YouTube Certification needed?
YouTube has an extensive certification program that many creators don’t know about. The main objective of this YouTube certification program is to educate individual YouTube creators and companies looking to grow their YouTube channel or help others in complete YouTube optimization. After completing this program, you will have the knowledge of best practices, platform strategies, monetization, content ID rules, and channel development techniques that will help you to find success on YouTube. The YouTube Creator Academy is has a pool of information regarding various courses.
Unlike Hubspot certification or Java SE 6 certification which is available for everyone, YouTube certification is only for eligible applicants. This is why there are few things that are necessary for you in order to become YouTube-certified.
Individual Certification
YouTube’s individual certification is for novice YouTube creators who are thinking of starting their own channel and build some content upon it. To be eligible for this, you must be eligible YouTube Partner or qualified Google advertising partner.
YouTube partner program is designed where YouTube selects its creators to share revenue with them. So, after you finish creating a brand new YouTube account through Gmail, and are ready with your content to upload on this new channel; only then you can sign up for an Individual Certification YouTube program.
In order to become a YouTube Partner, you must meet three basic requirements:
1. Create original videos
2. Have permission to use and monetize all audio and video content
3. Upload Regularly
Now that you are ready, here are the steps to be a YouTube partner.
1. Log into your channel,
2. On the L.H.S, CLICK –> Channel Settings
3. Then CLICK –> VERIFY button
4. You will be directed to an Account verification page
5. Select your country
6. Choose your six digits Verification Code via Call or Text options and CLICK –> Submit.
7. You need to note that even with zero uploads, views, subs, you can become a YouTube partner but monetisation needs videos, views, and content.
As with individual certification, a company certification is valid for 12 months from the date of issue.
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