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 > Digital Marketing  > Twitter Publishes 2020 Marketing Calendar for Strategic Planning
2020 Marketing Calendar for Strategic Planning

Twitter Publishes 2020 Marketing Calendar for Strategic Planning

While the holiday spirit is no doubt slowly starting to kick in, many of you are also probably beginning to map out your 2020 marketing approach and planning your next campaigns in line with the big events that are on the horizon.

To help you get a head start on what’s coming, Twitter has this week published its 2020 major events calendar, covering all the key dates and events you need to be aware of, separated by type, along with helpful notes to focus your efforts.

Twitter 2020 calendar

As explained by Twitter:

“Twitter is a place for people and brands to connect with what’s happening – and while new conversations are constantly unfolding, there are some buzzworthy dates and events you can plan on. As such, we’ve rounded up 2020’s most anticipated events that will unfold on Twitter – from the Olympics to #WorldEmojiDay – along with monthly tips for tying them into your strategy.”

As you can see above, the calendar lists each event by type, colour-coded into categories like ‘Sports’, ‘Entertainment’ and ‘Holidays’. The listings this time around don’t include relative tweet volume stats on each, which Twitter has included in the past, but you can get additional insights for each event via your Twitter Ads tools.

Twitter events insights

Twitter’s event calendars can be great for mapping out your approach, which can apply beyond Twitter itself. They can also be particularly helpful for smaller events which may not be in your immediate sphere of consciousness, like “National Ice Cream Day”, which could be of significant marketing value for your business, and could otherwise pass you by.

This year, Twitter has also published three versions of its event calendar.

You can download:

  • The US/Canada version here
  • The UK and Ireland version here
  • The Middle East Region version here

It’s definitely a good resource, and it’s worth downloading and having handy to keep you up to date on the latest opportunities for your marketing efforts.